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Personal Growth

Fighting the Urgent

Sometimes it’s extremely hard to not let the important things in life get crowded out by the urgent things. Let me explain. You see, urgent things are things like email, paperwork, phone calls, social media, busy work, etc. Important things are the real meat of your…

April 15, 2013
Personal Growth

The Lighter Side: Life Takes Time

Remember that life is a process. We can’t do everything at once. Let’s focus on one thing at a time and do it well before going on the next. Question: Have you been spreading your efforts too thin?   …

October 27, 2012
Personal Growth

I Just Have to Pull the Plug!

When do you pull the plug on a day? Do you stay up late to finish a project, or call it quits and plan to get up early the next day? I am facing a dilemma right now where I have an extra project which…

October 8, 2012