Our cows (well, the ones we get our milk from)
“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.” – Barbara Jordan
Question: Do you take time to have your “cookies and milk” during the day?
I have to admit – I don’t have cookies and milk per se (although it sounds good!) but I try and take time to unplug periodically during the day and whenever my daughter is home during the day – I stop and spend time talking and catching up since she works so much during the summer and then she’ll be back in college in a few weeks.
Ahhh sounds wonderful Ann! I am sure that really means the world to her!
Michael – We all need to have the break in the day to breathe, reflect and recharge. Cookies and chocolate milk!! Seeing that picture you posted brought to mind something funny when my boys were younger. I remember their father telling them that bulls produced chocolate milk. -:)
Chocolate milk; good call, Cindy!
Not often enough, Michael! I could use more scheduled “cookie and milk” mental breaks, that’s for sure. To keep the attitude and playfulness of a child is good.
Michael, kids are a great reminder for this!
Maybe not the cookies and milk, but for sure the nap
you can say that again Jennifer!