Don’t wait for life’s circumstances to be perfect. They never will be.

photo by kcshearon
Question: Have you ever done it anyway?
Don’t wait for life’s circumstances to be perfect. They never will be.
photo by kcshearon
Question: Have you ever done it anyway?
Yes sir, sure have. When the convictions are stronger than the fear – you jump. That’s been my experience at least.
That’s a great way to frame it, Michael. Keep up the great work!
That’s where I’m at right now. Do I take the leap of faith or not. Trying not to let fear rule. I got the contract on the house!! Yeah!! Now we have to get through the inspection and the appraisal. Once those come back positively (and they will 🙂 ) then the next step is for me to take a few days to go to Beaufort, NC to find a job. I have a few places I think I would like to work (I’m a nurse/health educator by education) so I want to try to get in contact with a contact person and explain my situation and see if I can set up an interview while I’m there. The bigger question is, should I go ahead and just move there even if I don’t get a job immediately and work everyday at finding a job. I have some money in reserve that I could use if necessary but of course it wouldn’t last that long so I would need to find a job pretty quickly. THIS IS WHERE THE FEAR OF JUMPING SETS IN! Claudia and Michael, how did you make the leap to quitting your jobs in January?? Were you fearful? I’m really at a crossroads here. Thanks for your input.
That’s great news on the house!!! How soon is closing? It sounds like you’re debating whether or not to move to NC right away or wait till you get a new job. Is that right? I know you’re goal was to move by the end of the year so that makes me think that’d you’d have some time to do a good job search.
It was scary for us when I quit me job, for sure! I think the frustration of waiting and waiting finally got so bad, we just went for it. We didn’t have my business really off the ground hardly at all. In retrospect, of course that would have been better, but it was really difficult to create the margin to grow it much on the side. (I could have done this if I prioritized it more!)
I think the main reason this worked for us was that I was going into an area that I was very familiar with. I had taught music lessons in a number of different capacities for about 10 years leading up to this and I also managed a music store/lesson studio as well.
Plus, Claudia was continuing to (and still is) working about 12 hours per week. Her employer has been really great to work for and they’ve been very supportive and flexible with us during this time. We’re really quite fortunate for this to workout as it has.
Michael, Thanks for your words of wisdom! We have a tenative closing for August 24th but of course we have to wait for the inspection and appraisal. The inspection is tomorrow. One reason I was thinking of moving on to Beaufort was so I’d only have one move to make instead of two but it does make more sense to have a job first! Once I know the appraisal and inspection are good, then I’m going to start applying and see what happens. No matter what though, I will continue to apply until something opens and I can move by year end. It will happen I know.
Glad that Claudia was able to continue to work the 12 hours a week to give you time to get your business going. Sounds like a good situation.
Sometimes it feels like I’ve ALWAYS done it anyway!! Nothing on this earth is 100% perfect so waiting is just wasting time. Prepare as best you can and then step out trusting God to lead, direct and correct your steps!
Those are words of wisdom, Ann. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
That picture is breathtaking. Makes me want to go out and do it… Hmmm…
You go bungee jumping, I’ll go sky diving. 🙂
Hmmm… Could be fun but I think I’d much rather skydive again..
I’m laughing as I recall a time when I was young and I jumped off the side of this brick wall. I thought it was such a large drop below me and was so excited that I had done it. On a recent trip back to that area I drove by only to discover it was more than 4’…LOL But I did it and continue to take those leaps today only I’m a little more cautious.
Haha, that’s great, Cindy! You’re a little more cautious now but the ledges have gotten higher over the years as well.