“Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; love like an avalanche” -Bob Goff

photo by Martin Burns
Question: What would your life be like if you lived by that quote?
“Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; love like an avalanche” -Bob Goff
photo by Martin Burns
Question: What would your life be like if you lived by that quote?
I just dove into Bob Goff’s book recently. Crazy lover he is. To live according to that quote would be akin to dropping the heavy weights, assumptions and expectations the world (any ourselves!) sets on us and allows us to move about very lightly, freely and lovingly on this Earth. That is how I want to live, Michael. Yet, I think I’d explode if I just jumped into this kind of crazy love. Don’t think I could handle it – so I’m taking baby steps every day.
Oh cool Michael! I am excited to read it as well! Did you finish it already?
Oh boy, don’t explode!!! I think you are making wonderful progress Michael!!
Haven’t finished “Love Does” yet – remember baby steps? HA! I’m at Chapter 5. One chapter a day or I expect spontaneous combustion will be upon me…. 😉
Ohhh Ann,
have you read a lot of Bob’s stuff?
Immediately I think… Freedom… It’s in living with purpose, faith, and love where I think we find freedom. Bob Goff is awesome!
Agree, Rob. Have you read Love Does?
I have! I love that book… I’m not sure if you remember the part in there about the game “Bigger and Better”… My boys have started to love that game. I gave them a dime one day, and they went around trading up. We have very nice set of golf clubs sitting in the garage now, and this cool wicker coffee table. Tyler hopes to trade up for a pick-up truck one day =P
Wow, Rob! I haven’t read it myself yet. That game sounds pretty cool! Looking forward to the read.
You’ll love it! 🙂