“Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn’t mean their life is perfect. That smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength.” – Unknown

photo by maureen_sill
Question: Do you know someone who smiles all the time?
“Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn’t mean their life is perfect. That smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength.” – Unknown
photo by maureen_sill
Question: Do you know someone who smiles all the time?
YES! I’ve mentioned her before, my friend Holly. And she’s been through SO MUCH – but if you didn’t know her well and didn’t know what she’s been through – you wouldn’t know by looking at her. She is always laughing and smiling – one of the primary qualities I love so much about her.
That’s great, Ann. Sounds like she has great perspective!
Joel Osteen. His smiles draw a ton of folks!
I’m not too familiar with Joel Osteen, but every time I see him on TV or a picture of him, he’s smiling!
Yeah, he does smile quite a bit! 🙂
“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” Mother Theresa
In thinking about your question, I’m reminded that most of my circles of friends and acquaintances smile a lot. I guess that’s a characteristics that I look for when surrounding myself with people I choose to do life with. That sounds profoundly obvious 🙂
That’s a great quote, Jody. It reminds me of Andy Andrew’s talks about the Butterfly Effect. We never know how one action, one smile will effect others down the road.
That’s great that you have great people around you!
Yes, I do! and they are a magnet… Who doesn’t want to be around the smiling people? =D
Right, they’re so pleasant to be around!