“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”
— Mark Victor Hansen
Great post filled with truth.
Hey thanks for your input!
Great quote! I’m convinced that if I wait until everything is perfect to do something, then I’ll probably never get around to doing it! I am now convinced that 70% of doing creating something is just starting and the rest will take care of itself.
Thanks Jon,
Ohhh and I like what you said! Where did you get the 70% idea? That is powerful!
Thanks Claudia. I got it mostly from life experience as it just seems that for me when I actually put in the effort to get started on something then it will get accomplished. The hard part is facing my fear, doubt, and uncertainty and actually starting.
yes, I have found this to be true as well Jon.
I find that the more I do it however, the easier it gets. 🙂
Michael, my Queen is very good at English grammar and spelling, and will constantly pick out spelling errors and mistakes in book that, in today’s computer age, should have been caught with a simple spell check. Best sellers even – YET, I point out to her that these people WROTE A BOOK and Published it! Who really cares if a word is misspelled, really(besides the grammar elite)? At least they wrote the book!
Totally true Michael! And a great reminder for the C’s among us 🙂
Yeah Michael, as you may know, Seth Godin refers to this as “shipping.” And in “Poke the Box” he talks about the importance of getting things off the ground and running even if they aren’t quite perfect.
I agree with Claudia, this is more of a challenge for some personality types than others. I guess that’s way folks like Deb Ingino and Kent Julian say that we need to play to our strengths.
Thanks for the input.
I agree! I read somewhere when I was working on my website – and reworking – and reworking and tweaking and planning (you get the picture) – what I read said: You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.
Great advice at a timely moment is indeed priceless! It is like a bolt of lightening. So, when you took action like that, how did it feel… scary or freeing??
Absolutely! Even more, movement creates opportunities: http://www.liveitforward.com/meditation-or-movement-which-is-best/
I know, Kent. It snowballs!
Right on!!! Ann Musico gave an analogy once about God sitting with you in a parked car. And you’re sitting their asking God where to go, but He can’t tell you to go left or right, because you haven’t even pressed on the gas yet! We got to move forward, and as Kent Julian said, movement creates opportunities…
That Ann is full of great wisdom! 🙂
I love that analogy and it reminds me that God did give us free will. Get off your butt and get going! Creativity and ideas will start to flood in.
Absolutely! Just do it!
Have a Victorious Day!
Marianne Clements
Victory Christian Coaching
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