While constant, steady progress towards a goal will help you achieve great results, short bursts of focused action will speed up the process. It’s called hustle. Hustle helps you achieve massive results in minimal amount of time.

photo by weedj
Here are 3 examples of the power of hustle.
1. A friend of mine who needed to find a job quickly made his own opportunity by hustling. He reached out to 30 companies, unaware if they were hiring or not. Over the course of a few weeks, had five or six great offers to choose from. This was possible because he had a plan and hustled to execute it.
Incidentally, he decided to not accept any of those offers but negotiated with his favorite companies and became an independent contractor for them. He’s crushing it making great money with more and more work coming in every day.
2. A little while back, a group of about 25 of us experienced the power of hustle together in our 30 Day Focus Challenge. Together, we focused for 30 days each of us planning to achieve individual goals. We kept each other accountable in the process and what we achieved was nothing short of amazing! One of the participants actually used the 30 Day Focus Challenge to complete a similar project of his own called Hustle Month.
3. Lastly, this guy wrote an entire book about the importance of hustling. His book is called 48 Days To The Work You Love. And the best part about it is it works! He then went on to build a whole business around the concept presented in the book.
Want to experience the power of hustle for yourself?
Ask yourself these two questions:
1. What is one area where I could hustle and make significant progress over the next 30 days?
2. How can I daily track and measure my progress while hustling? (This will give you visual motivation and encouragement.)
A little hustle is a powerful tool. It gives you a burst of forward momentum and when you have momentum, anything is possible!
Have you ever hustled? What’s one area where you could give it a try?
I love the hiring example. What your friend did is the way people get jobs – much more effective than job boards. I know your larger point was hustling – but this is a good word to those in career transition. Someone else isn’t going to do this for you, you have to do it for yourself!
Absolutely, Tom. He used to unconventional Dan Miller job search approach and it paid off big time. It’s just like selling. If you knock on enough doors, eventually someone will need what you have to offer.