Michael and I sat quietly perched on stools in our kitchen. The lights were dim and Jude was asleep. It was a moment of resounding silence. A moment of reflection.

photo by Steve Snodgrass
We wandered down the path of conversation staying along a certain trail which seemed to be pulling us rather than our own feet taking steps. The conversation, a certain decision which needed to be made felt important, bold, and weighty as if this one decision was setting the course for the rest of our lives.
I recently heard a story of a man who was putting his young son to bed. While tucking him under the covers he said, “Son, what do you think would happen, if while traveling, you landed in the middle of a desert. And, while in that desert, you used a pair of tweezers to pick up one single grain of sand, and move it one millimeter to the left? What would happen?”
His son looked at his father, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. “I guess I would have moved a grain of sand to the left, and that is all,” the boy replied.
The father looked back at his son with the depth of the ocean in his eyes and replied, “No, son, By moving that one grain of sand you would have changed the universe!” The boy thought for a moment and then looked up at his father with shining eyes he declared, “I changed the universe!” “Yes you did my boy, yes you did.”
Sometimes we think a decision is just that. A decision. And it is, but it is also something much greater. A split second decision, a moving of a grain of sand, does have reach beyond our greatest imagination.
You pick up a book from a used book store. Inside there is a website which peaks your interest. On the website you see a blog. On the blog you meet people and one of the people strikes you as fascinating. You pursue the relationship.
As you pursue the friendship, you meet your friend’s friends. They are great. They want to walk the Camino from France to Spain. You go. It changes your life. You become passionate about France and the people there. You move to France and the day you arrive you go to get coffee at the nearby cafe. Behind the counter you meet the most beautiful and fascinating girl you have ever met.
In 6 months you are married and pursuing life as two!

photo by cafemama
Ok, so you get the idea. A decision is not just a decision. It is moving a grain of sand!
This was the power I knew our conversation at hand had. I know as a drop of water falls and ripples to the very edge of the puddle, so do the actions I take and the decisions I make.
We looked at each other realizing what had been laying heavy on our minds and hearts. We had a dream, a goal which still seemed out of reach. Things had moved slower than hoped for and the goal was starting to feel elusive. Burdensome.
It filled our minds with “hurry up” and “you are never getting enough done” words. It crept up on our peace and our enjoyment of the now.
The evening progressed and as we hashed through our thoughts and concerns, something dawned on us. We could just simply TWEAK our goal. Almost re-set the compass, and therefore our plan of action.
We breathed excitedly as we continued to talk and strategize. Ideas rolled from our minds as fresh as the morning dew. Our hearts lifted in anticipation and excitement. We had simply refreshed and TWEAKED our goal and it allowed us to press forward with new vigor and strength.
We moved quickly to grasp and capture our thoughts and ideas. We laughed at the intensity our discussion had brought to the room. But, as we looked at one another in new anticipation for our future, we realized we were indeed moving our grain of sand and therefore changing the universe.
Who knows where that one tweak of a goal, a decision, will lead.
Step back, TWEAK, re-set your compass, and press forward.
Question: How have you used the TWEAK in your own life?
That’s truly a powerful truth Claudia! I never really thought about it in exactly that way – but I will definitely now!
Let me know how it works for you 😉
Beautifully and wisely written, Claudia. And wonderful stories. I have had to more than “tweak” my goals several times. I had goals of moving buckets of sand in the desert… Like working with at-risk innercity youth, living and helping people in need in an African country, and adopting needy children. Somehow my context and choices have not allowed those dreams to be fulfilled, and I have felt frustrated and confused about the future. And then… Just as you and Michael have done, I’ve taken a step back, re-evaluated my goals, gifts, and context, discerned wisdom for God and trusted friends, and found that new dreams for the meaning of my life have blossomed and are already bearing much fruit. It has enabled me to release the companions of guilt and confusion and grab hold to direction and joy! Excited for you and Michael!
Thanks Annette,
I am sure you recognized the grain of sand story! 😉
I have seen you do this Annette, and have been greatly encouraged by you in this area! And, I have seen you bearing much fruit and blossoming.
May we continue to help spur one another on to even greater heights my friend!! Onward and upward 🙂
I think we have to “tweak” throughout our whole lives if we want to grow and fulfill our purpose. Not all our choices have led us to where we wanted to be so at that point, we must reevaluate and go forward or we get stuck. I’ve had to do this, I’m sorry to say, probably way too many times as my decisions haven’t always been the best. The good news though is that through the tweaking, I’ve learned and grown and have been able to make good come from my bad choices. Love your wisdom, Claudia and Michael!
Indeed Donna!
I have seen you do this even recently! 😉 I love how you pointed out that you haven’t always made the best decisions but you chose to learn and grow from them.
This is something I have recently learned to embrace and it has changed my life!!!
“go forward or we get stuck” as true as true can be!
Hope you all were ok through the hurricane!!??
We were fine in Tennessee. Only got cold weather and some early snow in mountains. My daughter is in NY. She was fortunate to be in an area of Manhattan that did not lose power and had very little damage.
Oh good!!!
Very well written!
So true! Our decisions to affect others. Culture tries to tell us that we can make decisions which only affect ourselves. This is not true.
I applaud you both for realizing the power your decisions can have over others.
Thank you James!
Yes, what you say is so true and is a powerful pull towards complacency… it does not only affect me! NO, there is a whole world out there and I play a very important and powerful part in it!
Blessings to you today James!
Beautifully done! I’m doing a lot of tweaking right now as I’m preparing for the next year. Our course can take so many different paths and one simple decision could change everything. I love the idea that we get to choose our responses-as small as it may be- and that makes tomorrow an exciting day to look forward to and even wonder.
It really can and does change everything Rob! Have truly been blessed by your zest for life, so I have no doubt 2013 will be exciting year for you and your fam… to say the least! 🙂
Thanks Claudia! And the same goes for you… No doubt you’re going to knock next year out of the park!
twill be grand indeed! 😉
Sometimes we are just not the same people we were when we started a goal. Maybe the goal is not as meaningful as it was from the beginning. When a goal becomes something that enslaves you, redefining and reevaluating it is indeed wise.
I loved that story of how one small decision leads to others. It happens all the time, we just don’t realize it. Thanks for reminding us.
Indeed Michael.
I just read through Dan Miller’s layout of goal setting and he suggests monthly review and reconfiguring of goals which I thought was a great idea. Check in, see how you are progressing, what needs to be tweaked and progress.