A drip has given me inspiration today! Dripping your work, as Seth Godin talks about.

photo by John ‘K’
The drip approach to getting your work done looks like this. Every day a little bit more. Not one big bucket full at a time, but a small amount of work on a very consistent basis. You will have a bucket full in no time.
It never feels like much in the moment, but each drop adds to the bucket.
I know the drip method works. I use it every day. I write, a lot. I drip my thoughts onto yellow legal pads, onto post it notes, into journals, and into this blog.
I, along with Michael, have been dripping on this site for the past year and two months. Constant, consistent. The amount of content we now have is invaluable. More than a books worth! All because of dripping.
The neat part about dripping our work is every post does not carry the weight it would if we only wrote once a month. Dripping seems to promote more dripping. It opens the floodgates, if you will.
The more I drip, the more I have to drip! The more I write, the more I want to and need to write. Now, I can’t stop dripping! My work is expanding and I am loving it!
Constant, consistent work pays off. Start dripping.
Speaking of Seth Godin, did you or Michael make it out to an Icarus Session last night?
Oh no!!! I was literally in the middle of checking it out yesterday afternoon and must have gotten side-tracked cause I never finished my investigation.
Did you go? If so how was it??
Do I hear rumor of them happening each month?
Oh boy! You missed out Claudia.
I actually hosted our local one. We had three people total but it was a blast none-the-less. Gave us time to chat with and learn more about each other.
Hadn’t heard they’re going to be monthly but that would be awesome.
Oh rats!!!!!!!!! I am bummed!
Well, at the top of this page Seth mentioned they will hopefully be monthly. I dont know if it depended on the response he got or what…http://www.squidoo.com/IcarusSession
Good for you Joe! That is cool that you stepped up and hosted! What did you present on? (If you don’t mind me asking)
That’s cool. Hopefully it got a great response and they’ll continue. I’d love to have another one happen around me.
Just shared what I was doing regarding writing and leading. Then the other two people that showed up shared what they’re doing as well.
Sounds amazing Joe, way to take action!
Way to step up and lead the group, Joe. I know you met a friend of mine, Dan Hefferan.
Haha Claudia – yes dripping is definitely the way to accomplish big things! I call it baby steps. Either way just doing something – no matter how small – as long as it moves you in the right direction and you do it consistently – will get the job done!
Yes you do Ann! And I love your baby step method! And I truly see the fruit of it in your life! You are one rocking lady! 🙂
Great post! Good way to look at how to achieve your goals!
Thanks Donna! Yes indeed. In the past I was an all or nothing person. I’ve learned little by little wins the race.
Have fun dripping in 2013! 🙂
Here’s to the drippers! Drip On!
Yes indeed Michael Wright! Drip on brother!
Ah, yes…the power of incremental change. I like to go big all at once – but what really works is small progress… Keep dripping!
Hey thanks, Tom! Same to you. I think there’s a place for “going big.” We simply need to pair it small constant progress.