photo by Siddie Nam
The story goes, a famous trapeze artist was instructing his students on how to complete a performance on the high bar. After finishing his talk, he asked his students to demonstrate what they had learned. One of his students stood looking up at his precarious perch, pictured himself falling, and become completely frozen in fear.
“I can’t do it. I can’t do it.” he gasped. The instructor put his hand on his shoulder and said these words:
“Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.”
For a year and a half now, Michael and I have been on this adventure of entrepreneurship and praise be to God and a LOT of hard work we are doing it!
Well, the time has come for me to embark on another adventure; to throw my heart over a new bar.
Since we started our business I have kept my part-time job at an orthodontists’ office. However, I have been longing to doing something entrepreneurially on my own.
Two months ago, I handed in my notice at work. You see, I have been working on a book (A guidebook for braces) for quite a few months now. It is in the last stages of completion and next month marks the launch date.
How did I decide to do this?
I evaluated my current skills and knowledge and chose a project that was both scary and simple, as Seth Godin recommends. I realized I have an abundant amount of knowledge in the orthodontic field and, therefore, decided to write a guidebook for the process of wearing braces.
I am going to self publish and will be keeping you updated on both the process and my progress (how I am doing what I am doing, and how the process goes as I move forward.)
For any of you curious about the writing and self publishing process, you have come to the right place. I will be learning and sharing with you what I am learning as I go!
So, to start off this series of posts and to give you a little glimpse into the head of someone jumping into something new, here is a recent little interview between me and my head:
An interview between me and my head
Head: “Who says you can do this?”
Me: “Well, I do!”
Head: “Are you sure this is going to work?”
Me: “No”
Head: “Then why are you doing it?”
Me: “Because I want to see how high I can fly and if I never jump I will never find out!”
Head: “But isn’t it unwise to do something unless you are sure it’s going to work?”
Me: “I view it a little differently than you, head. Risk and reward are on opposite ends of the balance beam and you cannot have one without the other. They travel as a pair. ‘This might work,’ or ‘this might not work’, are two phrases which are the fascinating part of becoming an artist and doing something that matters.
If it doesn’t work, I win as long as I learn from it and move on. If it does work, yay! I will have a little party and then move on. The whole idea is to keep moving, keep trying things, and figure out what works and what doesn’t work.
I choose buoyancy as my motto, have you ever tried it head?”
Head: “No, and it doesn’t sound fun.”
Head: “So, what if you fail?”
Me: “You see, head, ‘change’ has a twin sister and her name is failure. The possibility is always there for failure, yes, but there is also the possibility of success. I choose to focus on the fact that change, as a whole, brings growth. Whether I fail or succeed, I grow.
I can’t help but move towards change if I want to keep growing.”
Head: “This is going to be scary!”
Me: “Yup! Isn’t it fascinating?!”
Head: “I can’t do it; I can’t see anything; it’s dark out here!”
Me: “Yes,I know, but it will be ok. Just put one foot in front of the other and don’t stop moving. Oh, and don’t look back.”
Oh, and by the way head, would you mind putting some duct tape over your mouth and blinders over your eyes? It will help us out a lot. Thanks!”
adventure to be continued………..
“You can risk being wrong or you can be boring” – Seth Godin
p.s Here is some more encouragement about the “The Roller Coaster of Shipping ”
What a great metaphor – “throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.” That fits so many situations. Way to lead the way – keep us posted on your book success.
Thanks for this encouragement! I will indeed be updating as I go.
I too love this metaphor and how it calls us to action, and not just ho hum action but bold – live your life on purpose action!
I think it was Bob Goff in his book “Love Does” who talked about life being the greatest gift of all but we are tempted every day not to ACTUALLY life it but become disconnected and unengaged.
Here is to a life full of engagement, abundance, and possibility!
I learned about Bon Goff in Donald Miller’s “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.” I need to check him out and read Love Does. I’ve heard good things about it.
yes do!
How awesome and exciting Claudia! I will be looking forward to hearing about your progress and by the way, (speaking to head now) I know you will succeed because you’re already a success!
Hahahaaa thank you for speaking directly to my head Ann!! You always bring a smile to my face! Blessings to you friend.
This is very exciting Claudia!!! I am always so encouraged by those who make the leap! I too have been holding onto a part-time job while my husband and I run our business (which we’ve had for 8 years). My heart longs for more and I look forward to reading more about your adventure. Good for you!
Hey thanks for your encouragement! I’ll be keeping you updated 🙂
That is cool that you and your husband have a business together as well! I don’t meet many other entrepreneurial couples. What is your business? I’m glad we could connect seeing as you want to do something different as well! Let me know if I can help in any way!
Hi, Jen!
We like meeting entrepreneurial couples as well, and I’d love to hear more about what you are doing.
I don’t doubt at all that this is how your conversation with your head went. We’ve had similar conversations.
I’m so very excited for you, Claudia. I know you’ve been working on this idea now for awhile and putting your plans into action. It’s exciting that you’re so close to being ready to launch. Let us know if we can do anything to help.
Hey there friend,
I’m sure you have had many of these conversations! And I’m sure we will continue to have them which is very exciting and fascinating!
Thanks so much for your encouragement and offer. Perhaps you could do a small jig to celebrate, and record it so I can laugh out loud…
miss you!