We just got back from a great trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It was great to get away and spend time with friends and family!
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Question: Did you vacation this summer? Where?
We just got back from a great trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It was great to get away and spend time with friends and family!
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Question: Did you vacation this summer? Where?
Getting away is nice and with family/friends is even better. Glad you three got to do that. We generally go down to Orlando in February for several days (when it’s not so hot) to see my wife’s best friend and her husband and take in the parks. No big trips this summer though…I’m missing the sounds of those waves crashing!
Great comment about creativity. Just listening to an audio this morning about that very thing, needing to get away to actually boost it and your income potential.
I love the sound of the waves too, Michael. What was the audio you listened to?
It was one of two free mp3’s from Steve Chander, a Coach of Coaches. He is pretty unique and cuts to the point on things. If you sign up for his “e-Motivator” newsletter, he’ll give you two new mp3 from his Wealth Warrior series, plus an ebook. This was what I was listening to. I think you and Claudia (as well as any of your subscribers) would really like his no-nonsense approach to success. http://www.stevechandler.com/index.html
I think you’ve mentioned him before. I went to his site but can’t seem to find a place to sign up for his newsletter. I see the “Inner Circle,” but that’s a paid membership. Any suggestions?
Click the below click to go straight to the sign-up for e-Motivators. And if it’s too much mail down the road, just unsubscribe!
Thanks, Michael! Just signed up. I’ll let you know what I think.
It’s great that you were able to get away and feel more creative and refreshed. In my experience, I am also more creative, thoughtful, and focused when I step away for awhile. Steve and I have had some of our best ideas and conversations during hiking and trail biking. I guess less distractions is part of it, but being rejuvenated by nature and God’s beauty is a big piece as well.
We enjoyed our days at the beach last week as well. Elijah had a lot of fun playing in the sand and flying his kite. The ocean was pretty choppy for us as well, so he wasn’t very comfortable going not the water with the waves crashing so close to the shore. We were fine with that because the undertow was really strong and probably dangerous.
Welcome home and enjoy your fall planning.
Thanks, Jody. The undertow was strong where we were as well. Actually, Claudia’s brother got caught in a rip-current and was carried out. He didn’t panic and handled it very well and remembered what to do.
Claudia and I have some of our best ideas out walking as well. Your right, fewer distractions and the beauty of God’s creation make a great environment.
What a lovely get-away! We did not get to go away this summer as my father in law passed away May 31st and we were involved with all that goes along with that and preparing his house for sale etc. We have a few day trips here and there – but I miss the ocean and some good quiet time to just relax and dream. God willing we are hoping to take a long family vacation next summer when my daughter graduates college – what a celebration!
Ann, we’ve had some summers were we didn’t take much of a vacation as well. Now you have even more to look forward to next summer!
You were in my part of the country that I love!! What town? I actually have a bumper sticker that says, “SOBX” for Southern Outer Banks. Love it, love it!! I actually haven’t gotten there yet this year. I go at least once a year to Beaufort, Morehead City, Atlantic Beach. We try to go via ferry over to Ocrcoke and even on up to Cape Hatteras. We always go by boat to Cape Lookout! It’s an uninhabited island and is just wonderful to go over for the day to sit, read, reflect and relax! I can smell the ocean breeze now. So glad you got to go and refresh!
That’s awesome, Donna! We were in Rodanthe. It was nice to be a little farther south as the last time we were in South Nags Head. I like that it’s less populated.
I’ve often thought it’d be fun to take the ferry to Ocracoke, of course we’d be coming from the other end from Beaufort. Cape Lookout looks very neat; it’s all the way on the tip!
I’m sure Beaufort is a great town. I love those little beach towns.
I don’t think I’ve actually ever been to Rodanthe but will have to check it out. One of the reasons I love Beaufort is because it is a small town and less populated. It has a real laid back feel to it. One realtor there told us he tells people to come there to “live” not to just make a living. I think you and Claudia would love Cape Lookout. It’s very beautiful!
Nice! Next time we’re down there, we’ll have to catch a ferry and make it farther south.
Awesome! Those waves were looking nice out there too… I agree, there’s a feeling you get when going away from every day routine or reality-like we’re moving outside the box- and I think it allows for more creative ideas to pop up… So yeah, probably the farther away you go, the farther outside the box you can get.
Rob, it was nice out there. We got some swimming in but didn’t go in after the water got really rough.
Glad you guys were able to get away and have a nice vacation. I definitely agree about your statement the farther you get away from home the more creative you become. Speaking for myself I get to comfortable at home and the daily routine. It also reminds me of when Dan Miller suggests to take different routes driving to work, it gets your brain working a little different than seeing the same old scenery.
Agreed, Brent! There’s some sort of switch that changes in my mind when I break out of a routine.
It can seem overwhelming to think out doing something different, but when I actually do it, it’s awesome!
(Sorry for the late response!)
[…] started the month off with a week in the Outer Banks with family. It was a great time to be somewhere different and experience new things with friends. […]