
Video Sunday: Out With Our Dishes And TV

December 17, 2011


Video Notes:

  • Unclutter your house, unclutter your life
  • We got rid of our TV and china dishes
  • We’re getting rid of something every month, this month: clothing

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  • Char December 18, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    Serious, love your blog. I agree, it is amazing how freeing and energizing it is to get rid of things. And it is also amazing how a cluttered corner can nag at my brain and make me be unproductive even when the clutter has nothing to do with what I am actually doing. Now I am inspired to simplify and unclutter more. I love how you have a plan to do this. Having a plan makes all the difference in getting something done.

    • Michael Good December 19, 2011 at 9:21 pm

      Hey Char!
      Yeah, the clutter gets the both of us too. Also, it’s not that I think it’s wrong to have nice things but I’d like to be more intentional with what I have.