Claudia and I want to say a big THANK YOU to the many of you who, in one way or another, supported our fight of saving two children from sex slavery.
You helped raise nearly $2000 which was incredible! This will fund one whole rescue and nearly half of another one. We were really blown away by your great response to this mission! Thanks for being part of it!
As incredible as all that is, it gets even better. Claudia and I are part of a team of bloggers for The Exodus Road raising awareness and fighting for those trapped in sex slavery. You along with the rest of the Exodus Road team helped raise over $10,000 funding nearly eight rescues!
The following video is a heartfelt thank you, to you, from The Exodus Road’s marketing director.
(Can’t see the video in your email, click here.)
We had a blast sending out thank you gifts to all of you who contributed financially!

Some of the thank you gifts we sent out
Thanks again for all your support! You joined a fight and made a difference!
Connect with The Exodus Road on Facebook and Twitter and spread awareness of human trafficking to all your friends.
M&C, this is simply wonderful. Thank you.
You are so welcome Michael! Thank you!!!
This is so great! And ‘Love Does’ is awesome!!
Glad you’re enjoying it, Crystal. Looking forward to seeing you and Andrew this weekend!
I think you are the second couple I know who are reading that book together. 😉
Thanks for highlighting this, guys. You’re amazing!
Our pleasure Justin! Love it!
We’re excited to be part of this, Justin. Thanks for leading the team of bloggers so well.