photo by pixtawan via freedigitalphotos.net
What do you do when the door to something you’ve been working long and hard on closes? Your business idea flops, you don’t get that breakthrough you were hoping for, your dreams are dashed.
It’s so easy to get stuck in a place of discouragement and feel like you’re the victim. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve learned it is critical to not give up hope. It’s better to believe the door closed for a reason and something better will come along.
A few years ago, Claudia and I were working towards buying the business I was working for at the time. It was a small guitar shop and the owner was looking to sell.
We talked with the owner and everything looked like it was going to work out for us to buy the business. However, we kept hitting road block after roadblock. For four years, we pursued buying the store. There would be hopeful glimpses of progress, and then more discouraging setbacks.
After much frustration, we finally decided to walk down a different path. We agreed the door to this opportunity had closed. I didn’t know what I was going to do for work going forward, but we knew buying the store wasn’t the right direction for us any longer.
Looking back now, we are so grateful that door closed. Not only would the work have been a bad fit for me, we would have needed to take on a large amount of debt with payments equalling all the business’ profits at the time.
It was only after that door closed that our minds devised our current business opportunity which is a much better fit for me and was profitable from day one.
When one door closes, don’t give up hope but know there is another opportunity out there for you, a better opportunity. Just keep pushing forward and have faith that something will come around.
I can totally relate, Michael. Recently I was listening to Pandora and Garth Brooks’ Unanswered Prayers come on. I listened to the song and reflected on how different (and not necessarily better) my life would look if God answered all of my prayers in the ways that I wanted. Truly, I need to thank God for unanswered prayers. 🙂
Love it, Jody. Great perspective! I haven’t heard that song in years, it’s good ol’ classic Garth. My life would sure look different too if all my prayers would have been answered. And no, not necessarily for the better either.
Congrats on the half marathon!
Thanks. Accomplishing that goal was great. It was a physical feat for me, but also an exercise in perseverance and attitude. I’m getting ready gear up for my next challenge: a 13-week strategic planning and productivity challenge that focuses on all of the areas of wellness: emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, and spiritual. I found that group accountability and encouragement is the secret sauce for me. Strategic planning through James Woosley’s new book: Conquer the Entrepreneur’s Kryptonite will frame the challenge and teach us how to strategically plan for change. He and I were brainstorming what to do after the 13-in-13 challenge ended. It was such a good experience for me that I want to keep my momentum going. I’ll be posting more details soon if you’re interested.
That’s great, Jody! Way to roll with the momentum and keep it going. I’d love to hear more about what you and James are brewing up when you have it. Keep us posted!
You guys know I’ve been in your shoes in regards to seeing something you’ve worked so hard to happen never come to fruition. When I was wanting to move to NC but just couldn’t find a job, I finally had to readjust my thinking. I’ve had to do this several times in my life but each time I know I’ve learned a new lesson about myself. Every disappointment can be a learning experience if you let it. Of course, I allow myself time to grieve the loss, but I try to learn and move forward. I’m in that process again even now. I am trying to build my vintage business and looking at new ways to do that. Thanks again for your inspiration!
Thanks for you input. It sounds like you have a solid, level-headed approach. An approach you can really learn and move forward with. I like it! Hope you guys are well.
Absolutely Michael – when a door closes if we sit and stare at it instead of trusting God has something better and keeping a good attitude, I think it’s like when the roots of a plant outgrow the pot. If it stays there, it will die. If it’s transplanted into a bigger pot, it will stretch those roots out and grow! It’s good you and Claudia “repotted” and are growing!
That’s a great analogy, Ann. Love it! You could really run with that. I think of how a plant that needs to be repotted needs to be watered all the time. There is not enough soil in the pot to hold water. A plant that outgrew its pot but stays there has no strength, vitality, or endurance. Thanks for the input.
Isn’t it amazing when you look back and see that things really worked out in the end? We made a move to North Carolina that was short lived and ill-advised…but at the end of our next move was adopting our son. That move to NC was a necessary step, as painful as it was at the time.
Yes, hindsight is beautiful, isn’t it?! That’s great to hear how things work out for the good with your move that didn’t work out.