Courage often emerges after stumbling through a wilderness.
Wilderness brings about need, and great need widens the eye. It slows time and allows contemplation to buzz about, drilling deep holes into the heart’s locked parts.
We are vulnerable in the wilderness. We question and we groan and we look for answers where before we never even looked. Wilderness opens our eye wider and grows our hearts bigger. It deepens the soul.
But thriving in the wilderness hinges on both thanksgiving and generosity. Both feel insanely opposite of what we want to do, but without them the wilderness is too hard, too deep, too confusing.
We find true treasure when we look beyond ourselves. It is in this way the wilderness then becomes a most brilliant gem. We are finally able to see joy in the midst of despair and courage even in the midst of fear.
Question: What gift has your wilderness experience brought you?
Photo Credit: Al_HikesAZ via Compfight cc
Well said! I never want or like it when I’m in the wilderness but I can say those are the times I seem to get clarity on things in my life. Maybe it’s because we are at a point where we allow God to really speak to us and we listen.
How is the book coming along? Hope you guys have a Happy Halloween today with little Jude.
Hahaaa well said Donna!
Done is in sight!!
Thanks for asking about the book – I just finished editing the proof copy from the printer today and am sending it off tomorrow!
Great. I know you are excited to get it out there!
Beautifully said and wisely written, dear friend.
Thanks Annette!
…thriving in the wilderness hinges on both thanksgiving and generosity…. this is SO true!! After a major health crisis awhile back, I was left without money or shopping, as well as access to both. (My husband decided to make ALL of the decisions without me.) After managing the household for 25 years (!) this was yes, insanely difficult. I was hurt, angry and confused — like I had been dumped into the wilderness, for sure. I felt completely vulnerable and directionless. After awhile, I have now become grateful for this wilderness experience. Now, I can see the blessing in letting it all go. I now live with the appreciation for what is truly needed in my life. I feel free from the binds of the mindless, perpetual scramble for STUFF. The former way of life kept my energy tied up with the meaningless. Thank God I have been given new eyes to focus my energy on the simple, important and profound matters in my life!
Crazy how that work isn’t it Laurel26? What a blessing to be able to truly see what is important before it is too late!