photo by Matthew Field
We affect more people than we realize. We affect the barista at Starbucks when we buy our coffee, our clients and coworkers, and certainly our dearest loved ones. This is a powerful blessing and a huge responsibility and needs to remain in the forefront of our minds.
Claudia reminded me of this just the other day. We had about 100 people together for our music school’s Spring concert. The afternoon was wonderful. The students did a marvelous job and the time was a real joy for me as a teacher and a business owner.
Claudia pointed out how I am impacting all those people. My students, their families, our teachers, and even the grandparents indirectly. This realization gave me a deeper appreciation for what I do and also a sense of responsibility to use this influence to bless others and make a difference.
What about in your own life? Are you aware of the reach of people you are affecting? It’s probably bigger than you think.
What I want to do and what I encourage you to do is this: recognize the extent to which you are affecting people and use that reach to bless and build others up.
Take a minute and jot down all the different people you are affecting in one way or another. Is their life better because you are in it?
That’s awesome Michael! And I feel a great deal of responsibility to every person I work with because I know when I help a mom get healthier it will not only change her for the better but her husband and children as well. I take that very seriously and my intention, goal and prayer is to always leave people better off than when I first met them.
Ann, that sounds like a great approach. This whole concept is what And Andrews call the butterfly effect. Happy mother’s day to you! 🙂
YES and yes. What a good reminder. And being aware of this will only increase the impact we make on others…for the better.
Couldn’t agree more, Char. Hope you a great weekend!
Oooh boy. You two always have a way of talking on topics that I am right in the middle of working through. 🙂 I am aware the “me” that shows up at my day job is very different from the “me” that shows up in other areas of my life. I think I try to separate the two and pretend that how I act at work doesn’t matter. Because this message is showing up from a few different sources (you, an audio book I am listening to, and a dream I had last week) I know this is an area I need to proactively work on.
On a good note – I’ve had a few people recently e-mail me to tell me they can tell (through my blog) all the growth I’m experiencing. This is exciting! I had no idea some of the people who wrote me were even following the blog! So, this is the GOOD side of learning how I am affecting others.
That’s awesome you got that positive feedback, Alana. And from people you didn’t know followed the blog. So again we see our influence and impact is greater than we realize. Keep up the great work!
What book are you referring to?
The book is called The Difference by Jean Chatszky? I might be spelling her last name wrong. Kent Julian referred the book to me last year I think.
Thanks, Alana. Just checked and my library has it in audio. Going to take a listen. Sounds like a good one!
Congratulations on putting together a great concert, Michael. I’m sure it was wonderful for the kids and their families. You’re right. One never knows the reach of their influence. I gave a banana to a homeless man the other day. I was thinking about your interview with a homeless person as well as another post I saw recently. Your interview from months ago led to me being more aware of the needs of the homeless and stepping out to help in a small way.
Thanks, Jody. I think you’re right, it’s the little things which can really brighten someone’s day and give them hope. Glad I could play a small part in what you did. 🙂
I think we have to ask in every interaction – are we leaving the other person better off or worse off than when we found them? Our actions – spoken and unspoken – can build others up or tear them down. Great reminders.
Thanks, Tom. Well said. And you’re right that the unspoken can have a huge impact.
This reminds me of Daniel Lapin saying, “Money received is a showing of appreciation”
That’s awesome about your concert! Way to go Michael
Thanks, Alex. That’s a great book and a great way to look at getting paid. By the way, I think I heard a question or two of yours on Dan Miller’s podcast recently. If that was you, congrats on the speaking (and coaching?) gig!
Thanks Michael! That was me. Lately I’ve been flowing with ideas and already have created some income! Coaching is the goal.
Love it, Alex. Keep it up!
Those people we effect can effect other people. Our impact on one person can impact a lot more. That’s what we need to remember. Great thoughts!
So true. Things get really interesting when you realize the domino effect! Thanks for the input.
Glad to share:)