Sitting in a parking lot as Jude caught a much-needed catnap, I looked up and what I saw astounded me.

photo by Juliana Coutinho
To my left, there was long series of stores and above them, on the second floor, a large beauty school.
I could catch glimpses of the movement of people in the building. They were working with mannequin heads of hair and moved about in black outfits from one room to the other.
As I sat there, girls started to emerge from the building. They were of varying ages, all dressed in black, and each one pulled behind them the exact same small black box.
As each one would reach their car they would fold up the handle of the black box, pick it up and put it into their vehicle.
Interesting, I thought. The little black box was their reality. As real as the sound of my baby sleeping behind me.
I pictured myself entering their world and reveled in the feeling of entering into someone else’s reality, but not being entrenched in it. Not being entangled in the emotions each of our realities create. I saw their reality waving at me from afar.
Their world at the moment was a world of hair and mine caring for a baby. The funny thing is both of our worlds are as real to us as the air we breathe, But, they will pass. Their schooling will end as will my time of caring for small children.
They are a piece of the puzzle of life, but not the whole puzzle.
The realization struck me again, my reality is as I make it. As broad as the experiences I have and the books I read. As fulfilling as the people I serve and the thoughts I think. I am my reality and it is me. May I never forget it. Though it feels as real as my skin, it is as moldable as clay. My reality waves at me – whatever I imagine it might be waving.
I never want to let my present circumstances rule my thoughts or who I am as a person. I create my reality by the thoughts I think and the words I speak.
The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. ~John Milton.
Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality. ~Brian Tracy
Question: What is creating your reality?
I will be thinking about this all day. Love this post!
Thanks Char,
I love the whole subject of reality and what our minds do and don’t create. After reading more on the subject, I am thoroughly amazed by the power our thoughts have. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…
I laughed as I read the beginning of the post. Thinking of what you saw and then seeing the picture of the dragons flying in the air. I almost thought you were going to say you had seen dragons (-;
hahhahaaaa!! got ya Joe! … what if I actually did?! 😉
Hmmm, I’d have to wonder what you were smoking.
hahahaaaaa! When I was in Australia long ago I did see a huge bat that was the size of a small person. It could have carried away a baby! (at least it looked that way) That is the closest I’ve gotten to seeing flying dragons! 😉
Beautifully said, Claudia! I especially love that quote: “Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality. ~Brian Tracy” Very, very true. I am studying about cellular memory and how it affects our health and this is something I’m finding to be pivotal – what we believe with feeling is so powerful in our lives – it can be for good or not – thankfully we get to choose!
Oh wow Ann! That subject is soooo intriguing to me. Any good books or articles you would recommend? I am also so thankful we get to choose! Blessings today friend!
Claudia I’ll be sure to share everything I find about this in some future blog posts. It’s beyond intriguing – we don’t always even realize what memories we have stored and how they may be affecting us! As a health coach it is kind of like a missing piece of the puzzle when someone just can’t seem to break through – and I’m finding it to be so for myself personally. I have been studying from a CD teaching series and an online course. If you’ve never read Quantum Faith by Annette Capps (a little mini book) that is awesome – it was what first got me looking at this from a whole new perspective. If you like I have several copies and I’d be happy to mail one to you – just email me your address!
You are so sweet! I would love to read it. I bet you run into these things a lot as a coach. It is soooooooo intriguing to me as well! Looking forward to reading your post on the topic 🙂
I love this Claudia. I tell my kids and most everyone I know that I refuse to let my circumstances define me. I want to define them! I truly believe that if we allow ourselves to keep saying “I can’t” you never will!
Indeed Donna! And it is true! I never realized this until the last year or so and it has brought powerful change to my life! Thanks for your comment!
“I never want to let my present circumstances rule my thoughts or who I am as a person. I create my reality by the thoughts I think and the words I speak.”
That’s E+R=O (i.e. events + RESPONSE = outcome). The one thing we control in this equation is our response, and it’s our responses the makes all the difference.
Here here Kent Julian! It’s your life’s message and it sure is a life changer!
The Wright family just got Kent’s E+R=O wristbands last week and we are WEARING them! Even some of my daughter’s stuffed animals are wearing them (mainly the ones who need attitude adjustments…) 🙂
oooohhh I didn’t know he had wristbands, what a great idea! And yes, those stuffed animals do need to be put in line at times 😉
I don’t understand the letters and what they mean?? Is this texting lingo?
sorry! I was trying to do something and then couldn’t figure out how to delete the comment. :/ But since I am here, let’s say it stands for:
“awesome sauce! Dear, fantastic friend.”
Hahaha!!! love it Alana! I thought it was a special code for something… 😉 that would have been cool too…
I just started a book “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie since it keeps coming up from various things I’ve read. I’ve only gotten to Chapter 2 and it just echoes what you’re saying here. Events (reality) happen we don’t like. We’re in a spot that’s uncomfortable. What do we do? Fight it, complain about it, gripe and moan to the end of our days? Or do we pick that beautiful Response (thanks again, Kent!)….Responses can be very creative, molded and shaped to how we desire.
Well put Michael! Totally true and something I remind myself of every day!
Oh, I’ll have to check out that book! Thanks 🙂