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Awe Beauty Human Awesomeness


  I once heard someone say, “Moments are all we have…” and I’ve been rolling it over and over in my mind since. A moment, a space, a tiny box of time handed to me over, and over, and over, and over. A moment…

April 18, 2016
Awe Human Awesomeness Poetry


It pulls us, the safe & it pulls us, the WILD… we’re a small part big and a BIG part child!…

April 10, 2016
Awe Human Awesomeness Poetry

I Like You

I like you and I know why. I like you because you are so easy to like! You are like-able. I like you because when I tell you something that is important to me, you fold it up somewhere deep inside you and never whisper a…

January 18, 2016