Recently, Claudia and I had a decision to make. It wasn’t super important, but important enough. We dragged our feet and took far too long to make our decision. We were wishy-washy and indecisive.

photo by cjaffepickett
The good news is, we DID make a decision.
The bad news is, now we’re NOT SURE if we like it.
Have you ever experienced this? You struggle and struggle to make a decision and then you have second thoughts?
I know I have.
I want to be very careful with thoughts like this. I believe they can be nothing short of deadly!
There’s a verse in the Bible that speaks to this:
He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
~ James 1:6-8
If that’s not bad enough, this one from Napoleon Hill sends a dagger straight to the heart:
“People who fail to succeed, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, if at all, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.”
What about this one from Andy Andrews:
“Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.”
GULP. That’s exactly what we’re doing!
I don’t want to be a failure who is driven and tossed by the wind.
So, our plan of action is to remind ourselves of the reasons we made the decision we did and be confident with what we chose.
If waffling and indecision creep back in, we’ll remind ourselves of what our buddies James, Napoleon, and Andy have to say about making decisions.
And, if we’re still struggling, we’ll read 21 quotes on decisions that will change your life. But, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.
Question: Have you ever made a decision and then had second thoughts? What did you do about it?
Oh my goodness, I love this post. So true. And I love that verse! Think I need to sticky note that as a reminder. It is so easy to doubt a desicion. But as soon as we do that, we cannot fully embrace our decision and then we are setting ourselves up to fail and prove to ourselves that we really did make the wrong decision. Crazy cycle. Deadly cycle!!
Char, great point. It’s like a self fulfilling prophesy!
Claudia and I were just talking about self fulfilling prophesies. Whatever we’re afraid of happening and therefore dwelling on, is most likely going to happen.
Whatever we focus on is often fulfilled. After all, we’re looking for it!
You know I have dealt with that too! Sometimes a decision is not very clear cut so you waffle with what will be the “best” choice. I haven’t always made the best decisions but I hope I’ve learned from the bad ones.
I guess that’s what’s really important anyway, Donna. We’re going to make mistakes, might as well learn from them.
Thanks for the comments.
Michael I think we’ve all experienced this – I definitely have! So I love the post and the scripture and quotations – they are all right on. I do what you suggested – remind myself of the reasons I had for making the decision in the first place. I find if I start to think about it too much – I start to waffle and think I could’ve (or should’ve) done something different. But in the end I also cling to Colossians 3:15 in the Amplified:
“And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].” I especially love that translation because it reminds me of my Matthew with the umpire reference! But it’s so true – as long as I have peace that it’s the right thing – I’m sticking with it.
Great verse! It sounds like we’re to be confident and move forward with boldness. I like it. Let’s not get stuck by whims and worries.
Those are perfect messages on decision making! It’s such an important and fun part of my life; making a decision and sticking to it. I have crossed moments before where I second guessed something, but it’s reminders like this that help me affirm that my decisions should always stay firm… Just keep moving forward and stand by your word with confidence… That’s how we get there…
Absolutely, Rob. Let’s have an unwavering heart and keep pressing forward!
Great thoughts. I’ll often make decisions by “pretending” that I made the decision and then see how I feel about it. That “fake 20/20” is often helpful.
Interesting, Dave. That could be a useful technique. Try it on for size (in your mind at least) and see how it feels.
I think we all have at some point. Even when we feel the resistance after making the decision. I’m posting about practical ways a person can make a Christ centered decision tomorrow morning. Great post!
Thanks, Dan. I’ll have to check out your post. Sounds interesting.
By the way, congrats on the new ebook!
Sounds good and thank you:)
Yes sir, sure have. I need reminders of the “why” I’m doing what I’ve decided to do after getting into the nuts and bolts of the activities following the decision, especially after a long period of time has passed. I’m reminded of how important “vows” were in the Old Testament. Even if it was to your own disadvantage, once you made a vow, you stood by it. That enough is a good lesson to make your decisions wisely.
Great point, Michael. You’re right, it’s so easy to loose the vision after some time has passed and we’re into the nuts and bolts of the decision, as you put it. Great point on Old Testament vows!