Has the busyness of the season gotten you in a funk? I know it has with me. I have not been doing a very good job of keeping things in perspective and maintaining a healthy, positive attitude.

Me, Jude, and Claudia
Definition of funk: feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or depressed; having a negative attitude; thinking disempowering thoughts; not treating your loved ones with your best kindness
Of course this isn’t helped by the fact that we’ve probably over committed a little bit this month.
Claudia and I were just talking through all the things we have going on right now. And, even though our commitments are all good things like spending time with friends, buying gifts for loved ones, and saving two children in SE Asia, it’s a lot.
However, we realized we’re the ones in control of our schedule and our attitude.
I know we’re not the only ones facing this. Most people I talk to have a ton going on this time of the year.
Therefore, I decided I’m not about to use our busyness as an excuse for a poor attitude.
How to de-funk
Here’s one of the things that has really helped me get out of this negative cloud of a funk.
I setup random reminders on my phone for inspirational things I want to remember.
These are some of my reminders:
- I believe
- I think victory. I get victory
- This is the day that the Lord has made
- You become what you think about
- God has a great plan for my life
- I am victorious
- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
- I am confident
- Every day is a gift
- Smile at someone
- Laugh
- Encourage someone
- I am blessed
- Take a break
- Think of all I have to be grateful for
At first I did this right in my phone’s schedule. Everyday at 2:20, for example, I got a message saying, “I am blessed.” This worked great, but I got used to them after a bit and it became less effective.
Then, I found an app called Random Reminders. It’s designed for this sort of thing and works really well. It makes the messages completely random.
This has really helped me be more mindful of the things that are important to me. It’s helped me get out of my funk and get my attitude back in the right place.
Question: What is the state of your thoughts this Christmas season? Have you been in a funk?
Random Reminders sounds pretty cool Michael. Might have to look into it.
I get into a bit of a funk during Christmas as well. The busyness and commercialization of it saps my spirit.
One thing that has really helped with the commercialization of it is unplugging from a lot of things. No TV, no radio.
So far, I’ve been really liking Random Reminders!
You’re not alone, Michael! I have always enjoyed Christmas most “from a distance” – that is, the closer it got the less “joyful” I seem to be. I’ve asked the common question the past couple of weeks to folks “So, are you ready for Christmas?”…and almost universally I get a pause, then a sigh, then “Well,…..”. I’ve been challenged this week to view the season not as “Christmas”, but as Advent. To anticipate His 2nd Coming, that this season does just that. And that brings me joy.
To that point, my Wed post is about just this topic!
I’ve been hearing a lot of people this year referring to the season as Advent. I like how that makes me really like about what Christmas is all about. Not just the “holiday season.”
Looking forward to the post!
Love this app! Think I will use it. Words of affirmation and encouragement are game changers. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I have to be super intentional about the next hour…focusing only in what needs to be done then. This helps me gain perspective and not feel immobilized by ALL that needs done.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s neat that you recognized the next hour is critical. I know for me, if I let the stress and feelings of being overwhelmed go on for too long, it’s much difficult to turn things back around.
With the app, it’s a little unclear about how to setup the “blackout times.” But through trial and error, I think I’m getting it figured out. You can adjust it and then go the “schedule” to see the times the messages are going to be sent.
I think we all get in a funk at this time of year from time to time. With all that we expect of ourselves or let others expect from us, it’s easy to do. I decided years ago that trying to do too much, trying to buy something for everyone, trying to please everybody was only making me crazy! So, I stopped. I decided that I would buy gifts for thoses closest to me, try to give more to a charity or find a need and give to that, bake a few goodies for my family and just relax a bit more so I too could enjoy the season and remember what it really is all about-our Lords birth! May you find more peace and know you are blessed everyday! Hope you and Claudia and little Jude have a very Merry Christmas! Looking forward to see what next year brings!
Well thanks, Donna! That means a lot.
It sounds to me like you have a great approach and know what’s really important with Christmas.
Thanks for the encouragement. Wishing you and your husband a Merry Christmas as well!
Michael – who couldn’t relate to this post? I think we all slip into a funk of sorts at certain times and this holiday season can be difficult for so many reasons. I agree with Michael Wright – I used to feel very negative and stressed about decorating the tree/house and getting ready for Christmas even though I do love the holiday. I realized it was an attitude I picked up from my childhood. I didn’t want to pass this on to my own children and I’ve had to work long and hard to overcome it. I love the cooking and baking and I truly love giving gifts that will bless my family. I have come to consider these weeks leading up to Christmas as what they truly are – Advent – preparing to celebrate His birth. It really changes it for me. Also I agree with Char – affirmations are very powerful and I love your suggestion about incorporating them into our day!
That’s great that you identified where that negative attitude was coming from. Most people never do that and live with it their whole lives. Way to change your family line!
I was just reading something on generational blessings and curses. It’s both sobering and exciting to realize we have this influence over the generations to follow.
I also really like thinking of this season as Advent. I’ve never really thought of it this way, but it seems like a much better approach.
I usually start out dreading the Christmas season with all of the busy-ness. This year, I decided to not wait until the last minute to buy gifts. We started a few months ago, and so we only have a couple of things left. When I get in a funk, I turn to inspirational material, especially books. They help refresh my soul like nothing else.
That’s great, Chris. Way to be on top of it this year. Books are huge for me too when I’m feeling down.
Thanks for the input!