Michael and I just finished reading Love Does by Bob Goff. The book is nothing short of a life changer! The premise of the book is love does more than just talk and read and meet together. Love needs to be put into action.

photo by Boston Public Library
I was particularly struck by one of the chapters. It was the chapter on picking a fight.
Secretly, I have always been intrigued by people who pick fights. Part of me has always wanted to be like them. Not the bullies, mind you, just the people who had some fire in them.
Before I go on, let me describe to you who I have known myself to be for the first 33 years of my life.
I am a middle child. Third of seven. As a kid I was always quiet, shy, and liked hiding away to read a book. You could find me doing this in the bathroom or up my favorite tree to survey the land below.
I like consistency. I like like laughter and unity. I do not like conflict.
All this was fine and good until I read this book.
While reading, I realized the time has come. There is one thing which is greatly lacking in my life. I need to pick a fight.
The fight Bob talks about in Love Does is a different kind of fight. It is a fight of love. A fight to help. A fight to speak up. A fight to be a voice.
It is the fight which wells up in the pit of my stomach when I hear of an orphaned child. It is the fight which makes my brows furrow in anger when I hear of injustice and slavery. It is the fight of the widow and every child crying out in hunger or pain without anyone to help them.
These are fights worth picking. These are fights worth getting behind, worth throwing some punches for. Worth getting a little beat up for.
These kind of fights make a difference in my heart and in the heart of the one I am fighting for. These fights change lives for the better.
I once heard someone say, “Find people somewhere doing something good – and join them.” I think it is great advice. I’ll take it.
It’s time to pick a fight.
Question: What fight are you passionate about picking?
Great post Claudia and if I had just read the description not knowing it was you – including the part about the type of fight that touches you – I would’ve guessed it was you!! I think children being mistreated (including not being fed properly and then paying the price) and older people are definitely a soft spot for me. I read that book as well and it was beyond amazing – definitely a life changer.
I gave myself away that easy huh!? 😉
Wasn’t it a great book!? Wow, Michael got it for me for my birthday and I’m so thankful he did. We loved it!
I hear you about children and not being fed properly. That is why there are people like you who passionately spreading the word! 😉
Sounds like a great book. Sorry I haven’t been posting lately but my mom who has dementia fell and is now in a nursing facility getting rehab for a fractured sacrum. She can’t stand or walk. It has been a difficult time especially for my sister who has taken daily care of her for the last 16 months at her home. My mom and dad didn’t prepare well for retirement so keeping her at home long term with in home caregivers isn’t an option. It’s hard to see your loved one in a nursing home and even more hard letting go. Please keep us in your prayers.
Donna, I’m sorry to hear about your struggle. I’ll be praying for you and your family.
Thanks so much. I too am a pleaser. It’s hard for me to totally stand up for myself sometimes but I have learned through the years to do better. I hate confrontations and will always try to settle things as peacefully as possible.
We definitely will be praying for your family! I am so sorry to hear about your mom’s fall and the challenge you are facing right now. May you find times of peace, a surge of courage and vision to see what is not…
Thanks Claudia.
Claudia, you and I are so similar in many ways. As we’ve discussed, I typically steer clear of conflict at all costs. On the surface, my choice of working with conflict-ridden, high drama high school students (and starting a peer mediation group at school) seemed to be contradictory to my wiring. However, as your post says, it’s about picking a cause worth fighting for and jumping into the arena to fight, in my case, for the underdog.
Kids being bullying and ostracized is a hot button issue for me. It broke my heart to see kids sitting alone on the floor in a hallway eating their lunches in a hallway because in a school of 2500 kids, they didn’t have one friend with whom they could eat lunch.
My friend! 🙂 So yet another likeness between us.
Oh my, it saddens me just to hear that! I am sure you saw needs everywhere in your position. And teachers are a powerful influence in so many children’s lives.
You were a ray of sunshine and hope I have no doubt… and you still are 😉
I’m fighting sameness and doing things just because that’s the way it’s always been done; a sleeping society of people who lack adventure because they’re conformed to a box… I’m not necessarily fighting the person who’s conformed, but I’m fighting the box as we battle for that person’s choices. The box and I are head to head… Thanks for a great post and reminder of a great book, Claudia!
Well said Rob! And what a great fight!
I like that you and the box are going head to head. I think I see you pulling out on top! 😉
I have this book and need to read it as I’ve heard so many good things about it. You and I sound similar in most of your statements here. I get unrest in my soul when I see young children at a disadvantage and that’s where I’m putting my time in these days. To be a person to stand in the gap for them and give them love and attention they need.
Awesome Michael!
I know you had said you were doing some of that… how is it going?
Ya, the book was/is incredible! It was so refreshing to read something that got me thinking outwardly instead of inward. Sometimes I get stuck in the introspection, what am I supposed to do/be with my life and I get all wrapped up in me. This was a great reminder to get out and start doing, showing love and I will figure out me in the process!
Blessings Michael!
It’s going great, Claudia. I go up to one of the local elementary schools on Fridays and spent an hour talking, playing games, helping on homework with one special 5th grader. I’ll continue throughout the school year. The first week he got called up to the office, he looked puzzled and when I told him I’d be there each week to see just him, he said “Cool!”. That was nice. Also, volunteering at church with the 2nd/3rd graders as well, so I’m doing the things closest to heart.
Sounds wonderful Michael! I’m sure the blessing goes both ways 🙂
I’m passionate about picking a fight against a culture that expects young people to live into small stories of selfishness and sloth. My passion is to inspire and equip students to live into bigger stories…to never settler for “normal,” because normal people don’t make history.
Fantastic post! (As a side note, fantastic picture too!)
Always enjoy your comments cause I can see your excitement about what you are doing nearly jumping off the page! Wow, well said and what a worthy fight to pick.
You are a powerful voice of change and encouragement Kent! Thanks for not being normal yourself! 😉
[…] by Claudia Good Posted on December 3, 2012 Recently, I wrote a post about how it was time to pick a fight. I felt like a big, brave girl saying this since I haven’t picked a real fight once in my […]