Wow, sometimes my thoughts are my own worst enemy. Once I start down the path of having a crappy attitude, things can spiral downhill pretty quickly. It’s during these times when I feel the urgent need to stop the bleeding and get back on track!
A simple way to do this is to remind myself of everything I am grateful for. I stop the bleeding with gratitude.

Two people I’m grateful for
Sure, there are things I wish were different. For instance, there are things that I’d like to do differently in my business. Plus, after looking at my Twitter feed, I wish I was at the World Domination Summit with Chris Guillebeau. Oh, and a little more sleep would be nice too!
But the reality is, we all have those things that we wish were different. My list might be different from yours, but we all have a list.
When I have a crappy attitude, focusing on the things I am grateful for stops the bleeding and gets me back on track.
Here are just a few of the things I am presently grateful for:
- I left a job with a negative environment that had no future for me
- I started my own business where I’m getting real world experience
- my business is growing!
- Claudia and I went to a mastermind retreat recently with some great people
- I am learning and growing from the wealth of knowledge in books and podcasts
- I have a loving family and a supportive wife
- I’m also thankful for my current struggles – knowing they will make me stronger
The truth is, I have never been more excited about what I’m doing, the people I’m around, and were I’m headed in the future.
If you ever find yourself with a crappy attitude and things spiraling downhill fast, give this a try. It’s been super helpful for me.
Question: Have you ever used gratitude to fix a crappy attitude?
Gratitude is a great way to fix that crappy attitude. There are even studies that have shown it will raise your spirits.
Huh, sounds like a win-win, Joe!
It’s hard to be grateful and negative at the same time. Yep, when I need that checkup from the neckup – a good look at my wife and daughter, thinking of all the blessings we have – just what the doctor ordered!
I hear you, Michael. Does wonders for me too!
Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions! It is true in the physical realm as well. Studies conducted on the effects of gratitude reveal that thankful people handle stress better; are
more optimistic; are more alert and energetic; attract gratitude and kindness from others; and are healthier overall. Basically, our nervous system consists of the voluntary and involuntary –
the involuntary is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic is the fight or flightsystem and the parasympathetic is our rebuilding, healing system. Studies show that the emotion that activates that healing system most is gratitude!! So it helps improve your attitude and your physical health!!
I really like what you said here, Ann! @jmlalonde:disqus mentioned something about this too. He mentioned a study showing it raises your spirits.
It’s funny how some of the simplest things that you can’t force, are the best things for you. You can’t bear down to improve your physical health in this way. It’s a more subtle, natural way of going about it.
Having a balanced, healthy life takes patients and finesse. I need to keep reminding myself of this.
Thanks for the input!
I can’t find the article for it but this book discusses the science behind gratitude. Thanks! How the Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier –
Very cool, Joe. Thanks for sharing! That’s not one I heard of.
I do, all the time. I’m not happy in the duties I perform in my current day job, but when I realize what this job allows me to do (provide for my family and flexibility to work on my dream) it suddenly becomes more tolerable.
Very cool, Jim. Sounds like you have a great perspective!
Also sounds like a “quitter” job. Is that right?
Something like that 🙂 some days are obviously better than others, but I’m trying to INTENTIONALLY adjust my attitude to one of of gratitude each day.
Very cool, Jim. Keep up the good work at !
This is such a powerful idea. Like you said, it’s so easy to focus on the negative side of life. Along with gratitude, serve someone else. It really shifts your heart and makes you realize that your life is in fact pretty amazing.
Chris, I think you’re absolutely right. Serving others can really be a perspective changer.
Thanks for the input!
I can really relate because I tend to gravitate toward the negative. I need to do something like this to get my mind out of the dumps.
Thomas, I hear you. Sometimes I’m the same way, but I’m realizing how much better it is look on the bright side. I’m practicing, what sometimes feels like, being blindly optimistic a little more!