As we charge into the month of July, summer is in full swing here in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. We had temperatures in the upper 90’s for a good portion of the week with the wonderful east coast humidity.

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This has been an incredible month for Claudia and me! We met up with some old and new friends of ours for a mastermind meetup. We started the 30 Day Focus Challenge with about 25 other people and everyone is making great progress towards their goals. We even got to take a buggy ride (video) in Pennsylvania Amish country!
On The Blog
The traffic on the site continues to grow. The unique visitors were down slightly, but the overall visits and pageviews were up by a significant amount. Thanks for spreading the word and sharing posts you like!
- Unique visitors -5%
- Total visits +30%
- Pageviews +17%
- Average time on site +0:19 (3:48 in May to 4:07 in June)
- Search engine traffic +6%
Top Monthly Commenters
We had awesome interaction in the comments of the posts! Thanks guys for all the input. We consider it an honor to get to know you!
- Donna Yates (85)
- Michael Wright (57)
- Rob Clinton (57)
- Ann Musico (54)
- Chris Peek (51)
- Dan Hefferan (47)
- Juanita Browne (37)
- Thomas Mason (34)
- Victoria Jones (33)
- Brett Traudt (23)
Most Viewed Posts
The same two posts are #1 and #2 again for June. Google really loves these two!
- The Lighter Side: Start!
- Conducting Inventory
- 6 Keys To A Rockin’ Marriage
- For Pete’s Sake, Do Something Different
- When It’s Not OK To Follow Your Feelings
- When It Rains, It…
- It’s An Open Door – Is God Telling Me To Go This Direction?
- How A Wolverine Taught Me To Live
- Time Abundance
- Stop Taking All The Grain!
Question: What was one highlight from June 2012 for you? If you blog, what was your top post (please include a link!)?
I love all your posts and I do comment on each and every one – I know there’s been a problem with them going to spam for whatever reason but I am sure I commented more than once in June. And you mentioned Downingtown – wow that brings back memories! My dad and mom used to take us to Downingtown every year! We loved it!
Ann, thanks for pointing out that you aren’t on the list! I simply copied the list that was in the sidebar, so that means you weren’t on there for last month when you should have been. (We do really love your contributions, by the way!)
You mentioned you commented more than once. The tally that’s in the sidebar now is for July. I think that’s what you’re referring to, right?
For some reason each of your comments do go into spam and I don’t know why that is.
When you leave a comment, do you sign into your Disqus account, or do you log in as a guest, or with Facebook or twitter?
Try logging out of Disqus in the comments of a post and log in with a Disqus account (create one if you don’t have one). This may fix it.
Let me know!
The highlight of my june had to have come from hitting publish on my site last week.
It was the culmination of a lot of work, now i get to sit back and shift my focus while encouraging others to do some great work!
Well done, Dan! Looking forward to participating.
I think that your hustlemonth is a really cool idea if I haven’t told you that already 😉
I didn’t realize there was a competition for comments! I’ll get right on it!
Haha, no competition, Jason. Just our way of saying thanks.
But I also need you to check out the start of my new website:
Building up my podcast episodes. Should be interesting as I release the 3 that I have recorded and get some more interviews going!
Very cool, Jason. Way to make it happen! I see you got your first one out yesterday. Keep it up!
Ann, I noticed your most recent comment still went into spam. 🙁
On my end, it looks as though you’re not leaving the comments with a Disqus account. I’m hoping doing this will fix it!
Here’s a quick screenshot video I took explaining how to create a Disqus account:
Let me know how it works out. Try it and reply to this comment and we’ll see what happens!
Michael – you are the best! Let’s hope I did this correctly and now my responses won’t go to spam! Let me know if this worked.
Ann, it worked!!!
So, whenever you’re leaving a comment on a site with Disqus comments (like our’s or Rob’s, for example), make sure you’re leaving the comment by signing into your Disqus account (it should leave you logged in from one day to the next).
Glad it’s working!
Amazing Michael – you are now officially my tech guru!!! Thanks!
Haha, I don’t know if I’d go that far!
One more thing:
Let’s link up your website to your Disqus account so when someone clicks on your name in the comments of a post, it takes them to your website.
1. go to
2. click “admin” in upper right
3. click on “Ann Musico” in upper right (this may be your account number instead) this will drop a little menu down
4. click “edit profile” from drop down menu
5. click “profile” on left
6. paste into the box for “Website”
7. fill the other info (name, location, bio)
8. click “save changes”
9. That’s it!
Ok I think I did this too – let’s see! Thank you, Michael.
Awesome, it working. Let me know if you have any other “techie” questions. I’d be happy to see if I can help!
June was an odd month for me. Site traffic was down considerably, over 20%. Not sure what happened or why. Yet I’ll continue on and share my insights.
My top post was, once again, What Can 20 Seconds of Insane Courage Do For You – It continues to bring in traffic from Google and click throughs from within the site.
That must be disappointing. I like how you are continuing to press forward however and pursue this passion of yours! We truly appreciate you and what you are putting out there… and how you constantly encourage us!
Yes, I remember the “20 Seconds of Insane Courage” post well. I loved it, and apparently so does everyone else!
Keep pluggin’ away, Joe! I think it’s because it’s summer. Things will pickup again.
June was just slow, steady progress. Got to Skype with a couple of awesome folks I’d never done so with before on making more progress on my goals.
Slow and steady is still wonderful progress Michael. Glad to hear of your new Skype conversations. Will they continue?